
La Prairie新品 anti-winkle,anti-spot cream (USD175)...和anti-spot brightening serum(USD150)台灣未販售((update: 2006年夏在台上市))

這組台灣還沒有..美國才有..不知道台灣何時才會上市... 後出的香水台灣都有賣了...這組抗老抗斑系列..先出的台灣卻還未發售..真奇怪~~

抗皺抗斑霜真的很神奇, 晚上使用後的隔天, 氣色明顯變好許多, 而且皮膚也變得很細緻, 連續使用了一個星期後, 感覺皮膚變得很緊實, 法令紋變淺了..真的很棒, 滋潤度也很ok, 不會太油也不會太乾, 精華液是白天用的..感覺起來,沒有晚霜明顯...希望台灣可以早日上市...目前僅有美國和加拿大才有販售..((update: 2006年夏在台上市))

Age spots. Wrinkles. Slackening skin. These are the tell-tale signs of mid-life skin. Now you can attack all 3 with 2 new advanced and powerful products. Chronological aging, environmental assault, and all the smiling, frowning, squinting and laughing of a lifetime are the major causes of skin's mid-life crisis.

La Prairie's scientists focused their most potent bio-technology on creating a powerful, dual purpose, state-of-the-art day and night treatment that fights age spots, wrinkles and slackening skin…the tell-tale signs of mid-life skin that come from:


  • Chronological aging
  • Facial expressions that come from smiling, frowning and squinting
  • Environmental assault

Melanin inhibitors and Vitamin C derivatives target darkness at its source as exfoliators help resurface the skin and plant extracts boldly brighten for an immediately, more luminous look. All working in concert with anti-inflammatories that help fight the aging process.


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