為了練習英文, 從今天起, 我會不定期發表一些文章是用英文寫的, 請大家不要笑我啦~~ 我的英文本來就不怎麼樣, 但, 現在愈來愈退步, 為了讓自己還能保留一些記憶, 所以開始規定自己要開始寫英文, 我的工作與生活用英文的機會少, 所以, 我必須要建置一個環境來加強英文... 如果有人願意指點我的英文和寫作建議, 也請大家不吝留言....謝啦~~


I went to see "AVATAR" on Monday.AVATAR is a movie about the planet Pandora, human beings eager for the treasure underground and then drive out all avatars by heavy weapons.I told my husband when we walked out of the theater that it's like the movie "Dances with Wolves", I read some reviews on line today, and noticed that some people have the same idea with me, VATAR is just like "Dances with Wolves in Space". Huh~~ very funny. It has the very similar story, but this time is about aliens, not indians. American army sent a handicapped soldier Jack Sully to Pandora, and tried to understand and learn the culture from natives, and expectably he fell in love with the the native woman and led all native avatars to fight the American army to protect their families and beautiful homeland. A betrayor to human beings, but a hero to avatars, and certainly it has a happy ending.

I watched AVATAR in 3D, the movie was not bad, but the glasses were extremely heavy and so uncomfortable.
I'm waiting for " Sherlock Holmes" which will be shown on the X'mas eve, I want to see this movie very badly as Robert Downey Jr. casted Sherlock Holmes. He has charming smiles and speaks in beautiful English accent, don't even mention that he has a great body figure. Well, you can't deny that he is very handsome, and YES, I like him very much after watching the "Iron Man".I'm glad that he was back to entertainment industry.


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