最近很有興趣的保養品...Janson Beckett 出品的AlphaDerma CE雖然..目前還沒有打算要買來試..不過..光看瓶子和產品介紹就覺得好像很好用的樣子...在SKIN STORE裏滿意度是三顆星半(哈~~因為二個使用者給了五顆星, 一位使用者給了半顆心...哈~~)但是~~~我還是很有興趣的~~~
可以抗老, 除皺, 對付妊娠紋和疤印, 含有硫辛酸, 彈力蛋白, 脂化維他命C, DMAE, 膠原蛋白, 大豆萃取液(會不會是大豆異黃酮呀~~), 臉部和身體皆可用的...不知跟StriVectin SD 的霜那個有效...嗯~~講到這個改天還真的得把StriVectin SD做一個心得報告...Janson Beckett的AlphaDerma CE價格為USD129.95, 現在SKIN STORE有特價是USD109.00
Unique anti-aging wrinkle cure concentrate. Ideal for fine lines under & next to eye area (crows feet), wrinkles on the forehead (frown lines) and any other place fine lines & wrinkles are present.
The clinical ingredients in AlphaDerma CE are what make it so effective. ACETYL HEXAPEPTIDE-AH3(ARGIRELINE) relaxes facial muscle contractions to smooth out fine lines and depth of wrinkles. ALPHA LIPOIC ACID, VITAMIN C ESTER and DMAE is already recognized as a clinical treatment to combat skin aging.
ALPHA LIPOIC ACID, the most potent antioxidant on the market today, helps repair aged skin while preventing future damage. VITAMIN C ESTER (ascorbyl palmitate) boosts protective antioxidant action and helps repair past damage by aiding new collagen production. DMAE often called “facelift in a jar”, helps Firm and Tighten the skin. ELASTIN is the main ingredient in the skin that allows it to stretch without leaving marks. AlphaDerma CE contains 100% rare, costly, freeze-dried powdered ELASTIN concentrate – which has almost 100% amino acid content. This makes our ELASTIN 10x more potent than any other standard ELASTIN products used in the U.S. or abroad. COLLAGEN is an integral part of the support structure of the skin. The addition of our collagen to the formulation plumps up the skin and helps fill in unwanted Fine lines and Wrinkles. SOY is a natural nutrient when taken internally; with the addition of our patented topical Soy Extract to our formulation the skin is given the nutrients it needs for healthier, younger-looking skin.