究竟裸裝版是不是假貨, 先看這篇文章http://www.douban.com/group/topic/9922807/, 看了大家肯定不敢買, 可是我看這篇文章, 覺得這篇文章疑點很多, 我是一般人就可以提出很多問題質疑, 老實說... 我現在對這塊皂的操作手法有點火大, 枉費我本來還滿喜歡它的形象, 尤其是那個創辦人讓人看了就喜歡... , 我今晚回去第一件事就是拿試紙測它的PH值, 第二, 它的紙盒上的成份表的確都是一些植物油和精油或萃取物, 硬油就是Shea butter和椰子油, 如果說它製成不放鹼, 如何成皂, 如何有泡泡, 如何達清潔之效果? 不然就是加了介面活性劑, 但是又說它沒有放人工合成物..我自己用那塊皂, 用起來就是肥皂, 所以沒有NaOH我實在很難信服...再來, 我們都DIY過, 如果按它的成份表寫的內容物做出來的會是軟油膏(因為80%是橄欖油), 不可能是有泡泡的肥皂, 第三, 什麼紙盒包裝是為了讓植物自由呼吸, 這樣呼吸的結果, 其實只是加速植物油的氧化... 有興趣的人再點選 進入以下文章, 至於要相信誰, 大家自行評斷... (個人根本覺得只是代理商正貨與平行輸入的水貨之分而已)
結果.. 我都還沒試ph值, 就有好心人mail了這篇文章給我... http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/no11/1/908547.shtml, PH值=9 (其鹼性由何而來?), 再往下看, 看到qkun81的回應....真妙~ (請在該文章網址擅用CTRL+F5, 輸入qkun81)
以下文章引用自此:http://home.kimiss.com/article/590954-79036.html (這篇才是重點, 一定要看!!!!)
Savta Gamila (Savta granny in Hebrew) is a well known figure in northern Israel. She is a daughter of the Druze nation and the Galilee country. As a young girl she was brought up with a great appreciation of nature. Her mother used the family olive grove to create bathing oils and mixtures of wild herbs and flowers for her daughter. Over the years Gamila continued the tradition and today Gamila is the owner of a business that has become a major attraction and a source of pride for the people of Pqiin.
Today Savta Gamila is a family business that serves the Israeli and International market, her name has become a registered trade mark. Visitors to Pqiin can stop by the small factory and gift store and enjoy a cup of coffee and the warm hospitality offered by Gamila and her family.
Photographs by Shai Caspi
The Gamila natural soaps have over the years became known as healing soaps and loyal followers will swear by them. They have been known to nourish and balance the skin, as well as cure skin ailments, prevent hair loss and even old age. The soaps contain over 80% home made olive oil are offered in a variety of scents including Jasmine, Lavender, Orange Blossom, Lemongrass and Rosemary. The boiling process during the soap production which normally is only several hours long is much longer for this soap, as long as 40 hours. And finally, unlike traditional production soaps, this soap doesn’t lather or foam.
Once in a while you meet people that have this look of inner peace and seem very content with their life. Gamila is one of those people. You look at her and you know that she found her calling and that she has fulfilled it with dedication. That’s a great formula for success and the proof is in the soap..You can visit the Gamila Soap Site here !