
Mario Badescu可以算是一個用起來很有虛榮感的品牌, 好萊塢有許多知名的影星, 名人都到Mario Badescu Day Spa護膚或是使用它們家的產品....



Drying Lotion是強力的收乾劑, 上下兩層...底下是粉末, 上層是液體...使用前不須搖晃喔, 因為它是要拿棉花棒垂直取這兩樣物質, 然後點擦在痘痘或是粉刺上....用在擠過後的開放痘痘傷口, 則會有刺痛感....效果還不錯...

Buffering Lotion據朋友的說法可以讓紅腫的痘痘更快冒出, 或是消下去..我自己用這瓶則沒有太大的感覺...或許當年我在用時, 沒有那麼多紅腫的痘吧...朋友的嚴重痘痘用了之後有改善很多...

Mario Badescu的產品, 我只用過以上這兩項, 沒有用過其他的品項...我找了網路上的review, 有人推薦Seaweed Soap, 見下圖....有機會的話..我會想買來試試看...

以下則是我在網路上找到的資料, 有空大家可以參考一下:

Mario Badescu Drying Lotion for spots and pimples.

A review by wondyful on Mario Badescu Drying Lotion
April 18th, 2006

I bought a bottle of this lotion while I was on holiday because it was on offer and I thought I might give it a try. This brand is claimed to be used by Naomi Campbell, Heidi Klum and others. It has been featured in numerous number of magazines.

First thing I noticed with that the glass bottle (30ml) consisted of a yellowy lotion with a layer of pink sediment at the bottle. Donn't do my mistake and go and shake the bottle because you aren't supposed to. Instructions on the bottle tell you to take a cotton bud and swab it into the pink sediment then apply on the indiviual spot or pimple. The only thing I would recommend is not to use a cotton bud because it soaks too much of the lotion up and the lotion I think is to protect the pink sediment. By the time you have gone through half your sediment (it doesn't look alot by its appearance but it does lasts for ages) there won't be no yellowy lotion left. I use a toothpick instead and take a bit of the sediment and put it ONLY on INDIVIDUAL spots and pimples because the next morning if the lotion has not been absorbed by the skin it is extremely difficult to wash away. I ended scrubbing my face to get it off, which is not a good thing.

Also, do not use the product on open pores or spots that you have just squeezed because it is quite painful The acid in the lotion is bery stingy to the skin.

Overall, I think this product has been good. It lasts a long time because you only need a small amount of it on each spot or pimple. Overnight my whiteheads were reduced extremely or some of them had disappeared completely. The lotion dries quite fast. The only thing that annoys me is removing it in the morning its quite hard to remove and in the UK its £15 at hqhair or in large department stores. I think the price is alright - the pakaging is nice comes in a glass bottle, wasy to use and hardly any smell. 


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